I like it, very clean.  Another reason I should learn Italian - the


On Nov 28, 1:06 am, resetstudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Visitwww.sicilianidoc.itto give it a try.
> It's developed using php and massive jquery and the javascript source
> is not yet packed, so you can read the source and give me some
> (hopefully positive) comments.
> It's crossbrowser (ie 6 supported, ps: there is a bug in jQuery with
> hover event in ie6 using multiple selector comma separated, so hover
> is disabled in ie 6), it's api based with the action argument now
> encrypted (minimum security).
> The core is the carrello object (cart in english), it has many methods
> and callback, and every time an ajax function is called it fires
> automatically the "aggiorna" method (refresh) to refresh its
> properties (price, weight etc).
> It makes a large use of lightbox (thanks to dimensions plugin for the
> fader) so I think the user is not distracted by a popup or an add to
> cart page.
> Even if you don't buy (eheheh) please try it out to give me some
> comments about the design and the navigation (it's only in italian
> now, but you have to click on the wine bottle on the top to buy a
> wine, the rest is icon based)
> Thank You!
> http://www.sicilianidoc.it
> Antoniohttp://www.resetstudio.ithttp://www.convert2web.com

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