I dont get it. :)

Say it again as a use case:
1. click on X
2. expect results: div Y does something.


On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
> two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
> version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of each
> other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
> should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
> selected.  Does that make sense?
> On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you
> want?http://www.commadot.com/jquery/checkBoxShow.php
> >
> > Couple of tips:
> >
> >    1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery does
> >    this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
> >    2. getElementByID can be expressed as $("#yourID").dosomething...
> >    Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
> >    3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide if
> >    shown without the IF shatement.
> >
> > Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
> everything I
> > knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the muss.
> >
> > Glen
> >
> > On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have a
> > > problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will have
> > > the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two options
> > > providing the same show div. For example,
> >
> > > <html>
> >
> > > <head>
> > > <script type="text/javascript">
> > >        <!--
> > >        function showMe (it, box) {
> > >          var vis = (box.checked) ? "block" : "none";
> > >          document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;
> > >        }
> > >        //-->
> > > </script>
> > > </head>
> >
> > > <body>
> >
> > > <form>
> > > <input type="checkbox" name="modtype"  value="value1"
> > > onclick="showMe('div1', this)" />value1
> >
> > > <input type="checkbox" name="modtype"  value="value2"
> > > onclick="showMe('div1', this)" />value2
> >
> > > <input type="checkbox" name="modtype"  value="value3"
> > > onclick="showMe('div2', this)" />value3
> >
> > > <input type="checkbox" name="modtype"  value="value4"
> > > onclick="showMe('div3', this)" />value4
> >
> > > <input type="checkbox" name="modtype"  value="value5"
> > > onclick="showMe('div4', this)" />value5
> >
> > > <div class="row" id="div1" style="display:none">Show Div 1</div>
> > > <div class="row" id="div2" style="display:none">Show Div 2</div>
> > > <div class="row" id="div3" style="display:none">Show Div 3</div>
> > > <div class="row" id="div4" style="display:none">Show Div 4</div>
> > > </form>
> >
> > > </body>
> >
> > > </html>
> >
> > > As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
> > > Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should, but
> > > when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even though
> > > one of the checkboxes is still selected.
> >
> > > Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
> > > selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if either
> > > of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?
> >
> > > Thanks!

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