yeah thanks to mike for a friggin awesome plugin!

i'm glad you liked checking out the labradoodles! this site is for a
friend of mine. they sold tiger woods his labradoodle! awesome huh?
they're beautiful dogs. anyway, i'm having one more little issue.
everything works GREAT, but i want to add some text over the images as
they fade. for instance, each image illustrates a small part of an
article about labradoodles. i want to have a text link overlay the
image and have it say 'read article >' and a user could click it. then
when the image fades, the link does also, until the next image fades
in, with it's own text link to its own article. i'm not having much
luck since i need to write each link it's own class in the stylesheet
because they need to be positioned a little differently from eachother
over their images. how would i do this? the plugin doesn't like to see
div tags after each image. it doesn't like it when i put text within
the image tags. what do you think i should do?

thanks again for everything!!!

On Jan 25, 1:36 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> heh. That reaction made it all worthwhile. :-) (and special thanks to
> Mike Alsup for the awesomeplugin!)
> As a former owner of a standard poodle, I must say I loved looking at
> the labradoodles on your web page, too.
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl
> On Jan 25, 2008, at 1:21 PM, visitorQ wrote:
> > KARL!! thank you so much! that worked perfectly man! thank you!! i'm
> > thining about adding the paging slideshow instead of this one in the
> > future. i'll be back if i have any problems! you guys are the best!!!
> > woohoo we're cookin now!!!
> > =)
> > On Jan 25, 7:23 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Jan 25, 2008, at 1:24 AM, visitorQ wrote:
> >>> i am however having one other problem. before the slideshow
> >>> worked, i
> >>> had a dropdown menu on my navbar. but now with the slideshow over
> >>> it,
> >>> you can't see the dropdown when you rollover the navbar. sooo, i
> >>> kinda
> >>> need the navbar. what do you guys recommend?
> >> Hi Q,
> >> To get the sub-nav showing, you'll need to add a couple lines to your
> >> stylesheet.
> >> ul#navmenu {
> >>   margin: 0;
> >>   border: 0 none;
> >>   padding: 0;
> >>   list-style: none;
> >> /* add these next two lines */
> >>        position: relative;
> >>        z-index: 5;
> >> }
> >> Glad it's coming together for you!
> >> --Karl
> >> _________________
> >> Karl
> >>> Mike and Karl. thank you both for helping me with this thread! so
> >>> just
> >>> for documentation's sake i'll explain what happened:
> >>> i run a linux machine and i have an apache server running. all of
> >>> the
> >>> files that are served on it need to have certain permissions and be
> >>> owned by a certain user and be associated with a certain group. the
> >>> jquerycyclepluginhad the wrong permissions and and wrong group and
> >>> wrong owner. as soon as i changed it, the slideshow worked. i've
> >>> added
> >>> more pictures too. i'll be moving to using the 'pager' also found on
> >>> the same page on your site.
> >>> [ ... snip ... ]
> >>> On Jan 24, 10:36 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> It looks to me like it's working just fine -- that is, it's
> >>>>> successfully rotating the three instances of the same image, since
> >>>>> that is what you have in your HTML:
> >>>>>           <div id="headingfade" class="pics">
> >>>>>               <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>>>> height="273" />
> >>>>>               <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>>>> height="273" />
> >>>>>               <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>>>> height="273" />
> >>>>>           </div>
> >>>>> So, I grabbed your page, substituted different images for
> >>>>> onelucky.gif
> >>>>> numbers 2 and 3, and it looks fine (except for the image
> >>>>> distortion,
> >>>>> but that is due to your CSS):
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --Karl
> >>>> Nice!  Thanks for the legwork, Karl!  You're right.  Looks like Q
> >>>> has it
> >>>> working now - just needs to rename the images.
> >>>> Good night!
> >>>> Mike

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