KARL!! thank you so much! that worked perfectly man! thank you!! i'm
thining about adding the paging slideshow instead of this one in the
future. i'll be back if i have any problems! you guys are the best!!!
woohoo we're cookin now!!!


On Jan 25, 7:23 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2008, at 1:24 AM, visitorQ wrote:
> > i am however having one other problem. before the slideshow worked, i
> > had a dropdown menu on my navbar. but now with the slideshow over it,
> > you can't see the dropdown when you rollover the navbar. sooo, i kinda
> > need the navbar. what do you guys recommend?
> Hi Q,
> To get the sub-nav showing, you'll need to add a couple lines to your
> stylesheet.
> ul#navmenu {
>    margin: 0;
>    border: 0 none;
>    padding: 0;
>    list-style: none;
> /* add these next two lines */
>         position: relative;
>         z-index: 5;
> }
> Glad it's coming together for you!
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> > Mike and Karl. thank you both for helping me with this thread! so just
> > for documentation's sake i'll explain what happened:
> > i run a linux machine and i have an apache server running. all of the
> > files that are served on it need to have certain permissions and be
> > owned by a certain user and be associated with a certain group. the
> >jquerycyclepluginhad the wrong permissions and and wrong group and
> > wrong owner. as soon as i changed it, the slideshow worked. i've added
> > more pictures too. i'll be moving to using the 'pager' also found on
> > the same page on your site.
> > [ ... snip ... ]
> > On Jan 24, 10:36 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> It looks to me like it's working just fine -- that is, it's
> >>> successfully rotating the three instances of the same image, since
> >>> that is what you have in your HTML:
> >>>            <div id="headingfade" class="pics">
> >>>                <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>> height="273" />
> >>>                <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>> height="273" />
> >>>                <img src="images/onelucky.gif" width="712"
> >>> height="273" />
> >>>            </div>
> >>> So, I grabbed your page, substituted different images for
> >>> onelucky.gif
> >>> numbers 2 and 3, and it looks fine (except for the image distortion,
> >>> but that is due to your CSS):
> >>>http://test.learningjquery.com/cycle.html
> >>> --Karl
> >> Nice!  Thanks for the legwork, Karl!  You're right.  Looks like Q
> >> has it
> >> working now - just needs to rename the images.
> >> Good night!
> >> Mike

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