Browsers do the unzipping in native code. You'd never notice the time it
takes, even on a fairly slow machine.
The packed version requires a time-consuming unpack operation in JavaScript
code, whether it's zipped or not.


From: Alexandre Plennevaux

arf my bad,  good catch karl :) ,  indeed i meant the packed version ! And
then i guess whatever's gzipped still needs to be uncompressed by the
browser which means it has a sensible influence on the performance of low
specs computers , no? 

On Jan 25, 2008 2:25 PM, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Alexandre,

By "gzip version," do you mean the packed/obfuscated version? Since
gzip is done on the server, it can compress the full jquery, the
minified, or the packed.


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