Has anyone been able to use Mike's great Taconite plugin with the
latest jquery?

When using Jquery 1.2.1, Firebug shows:

[taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
[taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
responseXML: true
[taconite] type: undefined
[taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
[taconite] XML document root: taconite
[taconite] time to process response: 171ms

If I replace Jquery with 1.2.3 and do no change in coding:

[taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
[taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
responseXML: true
[taconite] type: html
[taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
[taconite] jQuery core httpData returned: <taconite>
[taconite] httpData: response is not XML (or not "valid" XML)

I've even removed all HTML and left Taconite's "replacecontent" empty
to see if perhaps I had some typo somewhere. But it anyway did the

Talking about "replacecontent", what is the difference between
Taconite's replace and replacecontent? I've played with both and
sometimes I can make things work with one and sometimes with the

Peter :)

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