Thanks Mike. I'll keep checking. Maybe I'm doing some mistake with the
javascript file.

I do have another problem that perhaps you know what is causing it. I
created this example:

When you click on the form, the form disappears, because the
subsequent page has no html, only taconite commands. So to solve the
problem, I'm using a replaceContent to again put a copy of the form on
the original DIV, which has ID="test":

    <replaceContent select="#window-new">
                Test successful
    <slideToggle select="#window-new" value="10" />

    <replaceContent select="#test">
                <BR />
                <form method="post" action="somecgi.cgi">

                ... form here ...


For some reason, the replacecontent is not inserting the HTML, and
firebug generates the "node cannot be inserted" message.

Any theories?

Also, I appreciate that you take the time to help people with your
plugins. You should put a donation button on your site. Your plugins
are great.

Peter :)

On Feb 21, 5:16 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter,
> I just updated the demos to use jQuery 1.2.3 and I'm not seeing any
> problems:
> The diff between replace and replaceContent boils down to what is being
> replaced.  With "replace", the entire element is replaced.  With
> "replaceContent" only the content of the selected element is replaced (just
> like jQuery's "html" function).
> Mike
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:20 PM, lvp1138 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone been able to use Mike's great Taconite plugin with the
> > latest jquery?
> > When using Jquery 1.2.1, Firebug shows:
> > [taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
> > [taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
> > responseXML: true
> > [taconite] type: undefined
> > [taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
> > [taconite] XML document root: taconite
> > ...
> > [taconite] time to process response: 171ms
> > If I replace Jquery with 1.2.3 and do no change in coding:
> > [taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
> > [taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
> > responseXML: true
> > [taconite] type: html
> > [taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
> > [taconite] jQuery core httpData returned: <taconite>
> > ...
> > [taconite] httpData: response is not XML (or not "valid" XML)
> > I've even removed all HTML and left Taconite's "replacecontent" empty
> > to see if perhaps I had some typo somewhere. But it anyway did the
> > same.
> > Talking about "replacecontent", what is the difference between
> > Taconite's replace and replacecontent? I've played with both and
> > sometimes I can make things work with one and sometimes with the
> > other.
> > Peter :)

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