
I just updated the demos to use jQuery 1.2.3 and I'm not seeing any

The diff between replace and replaceContent boils down to what is being
replaced.  With "replace", the entire element is replaced.  With
"replaceContent" only the content of the selected element is replaced (just
like jQuery's "html" function).


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:20 PM, lvp1138 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone been able to use Mike's great Taconite plugin with the
> latest jquery?
> When using Jquery 1.2.1, Firebug shows:
> [taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
> [taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
> responseXML: true
> [taconite] type: undefined
> [taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
> [taconite] XML document root: taconite
> ...
> [taconite] time to process response: 171ms
> If I replace Jquery with 1.2.3 and do no change in coding:
> [taconite] Plugin Version: 3.01
> [taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has
> responseXML: true
> [taconite] type: html
> [taconite] responseXML: [object XMLDocument]
> [taconite] jQuery core httpData returned: <taconite>
> ...
> [taconite] httpData: response is not XML (or not "valid" XML)
> I've even removed all HTML and left Taconite's "replacecontent" empty
> to see if perhaps I had some typo somewhere. But it anyway did the
> same.
> Talking about "replacecontent", what is the difference between
> Taconite's replace and replacecontent? I've played with both and
> sometimes I can make things work with one and sometimes with the
> other.
> Peter :)

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