Just some clarification on what I'm trying to achieve. I'm looking at
the "error container" example for the validation plug-in and that's
darn close to what I want, but I was hoping for the error container to
be more like a modal dialog. Is there a way of placing these error
messages inside of a modal dialog?

Thanks heaps,

On Feb 25, 10:03 am, Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm in need of some assistance in figuring out how to placeerror
> messages via Jörn's formvalidationplug-in. I'm not sure I understand
> how it works. So far what appears to happen is that the plug-in itself
> adds a <label> tag with the class "error" and then the text of theerrorthat 
> I've specified in my code or the default if I've left one
> out.
> I know there's some documentation on this, and I continue to read it,
> but up to now I don't seem to be catching on to quickly. If someone
> had a very simple example of how to place theerrormessage anywhere I
> wanted that would be fantastic. I will of course continue to work on
> the problem myself, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers!
> Chris

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