I'm befuddled... my hover effects work only during initial load -when
content is reloaded via click() - the hover stops working.

// First, I populate a tab box with the contents of a hidden div
$('#tab_1').html( $('#tabcontent_1').html() );

// inside tabcontent_1 I am doing hover business on images whose
filenames end with "hover.png"
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').hover(...);

this works fine for images loaded like in line 1 above.
BUT! - here comes the weird thing:

// my tabs have click events that load other divs into place
// and now the hover stuff doesn't work any more :(
   $('#tab_1').html( $('#tabcontent_'+this.id).html() );

anyone know the issue? I imagine it's something about how jQuery loads
the DOM objects, and now that I move this stuff around, it seems to
loose track of which element i want the hover assigned to  - is html()
building just a string-copy? what do I have to do to get this
straight? load the tab contents via append? I tired that and nothing
showed up so I'm sticking with html() for now.

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