Jorn / Shawn

In my act.js, I have:

> $("#suggest").autocomplete("/act");

The act.html file displays with the input box.  When I enter, for
example 'a', the following error appears:



> line 2723 in

Any idea what's going on?


On Apr 6, 11:09 am, Ashley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is possible but a bit difficult with the plugin. I wish it were
> easier as I don't think there is yet a jQuery autocomplete that
> competes with those from other packages like YUI.
> You have to override the 'parse' and 'formatItem' functions. Here is
> an example of it that I'm using.
>   var autocompleteJSON = function(raw) {
>      varjson= typeof(raw) === "array" ? raw : raw.resultSet;
>      var parsed = [];
>      for (var i=0; i <json.length; i++) {
>         var row =json[i];
>         parsed.push({
>             data: row,
>            value: row["title"] + ' [' + row["id"] + ']',
>           result: row["title"]
>         });
>      }
>      return parsed;
>   };
>   $("input[name='parent_autocomplete']").result(function(event, data,
> formatted){
>       $("input[name='parent']").val(data["id"]);
>   });
>   $("input[name='parent_autocomplete']")
>     .autocomplete("/cat/admin/page/search",
>                   { width: "inherit"
>                    ,minChars:3
>                    ,extraParams: {"id":6 }
>                    ,max: 25
>                    ,delay: 900
>                    ,dataType: "json"
>                    ,parse: autocompleteJSON
>                    ,formatItem: function(row) { return row["title"] }
>                    ,mustMatch: true
>                    ,selectFirst: false
>                  });
> Where theJSONcoming back from the server looks like:
> {"resultSet":[{"id":"3","title":"Green Services"},
> {"id":"5","title":"Green Living Guides"}]}
> You can match up the format against the autocompleteJSON parsing
> function to see what's going on.
> It's always best to wrap yourJSONin an object {} and not just an
> array []. In an array the data can be visible to hacking on certain
> browsers (just FF, I think).
> -Ashley

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