Hi Scott (and others),

Thanks for all the posts and help ! It actually did make some sense in
the end :).

The success message was based on AJAX success function, so that was
part of the confusion. It was giving me a success message but not
actually doing anything. Changing 'serial.hash' to be 'serial' also
helped - still not 100% clear what the hash is for. And the other
problem was in the PHP. I assumed that 'serial' was being posted with
the #id as the key, however it doesnt. It simply gets posted without a
key. Instead of doing $myarray = $_POST['my_sorted_id_block'];   , it
needs to be $myarray = $_POST;  , and then I cycle through the array
with a foreach().

I've now incorporated this into Zend Framework and works a treat.

Ta for all the help,
Chris. :)

On Apr 11, 9:57 pm, Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
> > The hash was a suggestion on another site. I have tried it without it as
> > well but no joy. If I alert the "serial" on success I get what I would
> > expect ie. item[]=2&item[]=3&item[]=10
>  > [ ... ]
>  > data: serial.hash or data: serial, = nothing gets updated.
>  > data: "name=John&location=Boston" = the table gets updated via
>  > updatesql.php
> Is that "on success" based upon theAJAX"success" function?
> If so, then yourPHPis actually responding with a good error code, and
> you need to do some fiddling in thePHPto see what's happening.
> If you don't get that far, I would suggest something like the
> LiveHTTPHeaders plugin for Firefox to do some testing on the client side.
> Sorry I don't have more definitive answers.  Good luck,
>    -- Scott

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