I use the (free) debugbar toolbar for Internet Explorer. It's not as full-featured as Firebug, but it does have a console and some other nice features. This is a list of features from their homepage (http://www.debugbar.com/ ):

* DOM Inspector: View DOM Tree and modify tags attributes and css attributes on the fly to test your page * HTTP Inspector: View HTTP/S request to check cookies, GET and POST parameters, view server info * Javascript Inspector and Javascript Console: View javascript functions for easier debugging, see Javascript and AJAX code * HTML Validator: Validate HTML code to correct and optimize your code and html size of your page * And many more features: See page cookies, get pixel color on a page, make a page screenshot...

Karl Swedberg

On Apr 20, 2008, at 10:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As I stumble towards discovery of jQuery and all things Javascript, I
frequently get knocked down by IE ;) It throws fatal errors far more
often than Firefox (whose debugger I can understand) but IE's debug
option invariably points to an 'error' in the jQuery core. I assume
that's not the *real* error; just the point in the main script at
which *my* script caused a fault.

Please could someone point me towards a better debugger for ie?
I should emphasise that I really am floundering in the dark here.
Ideally, I need something dead simple. I can't even use Firebug

Any & all advice much appreciated, as ever :)

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