I also want to add in I am making a javascript file meaning
myscode.js  and I included it in my website which is in html.

once I do that would it run the js ???? or do I have to do a special
call using <script> tags to call functions or var again from the
script to run any javascript on the html doc??

On May 4, 5:42 pm, Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No not a drop down. I want it just like a table or look how a tool tip
> looks but I want the stuff inside the table area to be clickable.
> Like I have a photo of a person and I want that person to be able to
> put the mouse over the photo to fade in their photo album  with other
> photos in a sqaure window.
> the li is the list of photos of the user.
> Here is a somewhat 
> example:http://www.tamingthebeast.net/articles6/tooltip-scripts-uses.htm
> I want somthing like a tooltip but I want it to show photos where a
> user can scroll and see a whole photo album.
> On May 4, 1:43 pm, Eddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it like dropdown menu? Your markup is made of nested lists, right?
> > On 4 maio, 11:25, Liam Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > What's "li" meant to be - in that code it's not assigned at all....
> > > If it's meant to be "every list item on the page", then it should be
> > > $("li"), and you'll also need to check whether or not the outer "ul" or
> > > "ol" for the li is visible.
> > > Liam
> > > Aaron wrote:
> > > > well I don't plan using a class I am trying to use an id.  in css I
> > > > have stuff declared like #image{css stuff here;}
> > > > here is the code I have.
> > > > $("#image").hover(
> > > >     function(){
> > > >         $(li).fadeIn("slow");
> > > >     },
> > > >     function(){
> > > >         $(li).fadeOut("slow");
> > > >     },
> > > > );
> > > > what I want to do is  when the mouse goes over the image I want a
> > > > window not a popup window but a window that fades in on the right or
> > > > left of the image where it would have a list of other images and if
> > > > the mouse goes off the image and is not on that list area then it
> > > > would fade out.
> > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­-----------------------------
> > > > On May 3, 8:15 pm, Eddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> Hi Aaron,
> > > >> Try this:
> > > >> $(".elementClass").hover(
> > > >>     function(){
> > > >>         $(this).fadeIn("normal");
> > > >>     },
> > > >>     function(){
> > > >>         $(this).fadeOut("normal");
> > > >>     },
> > > >> );
> > > >> If it's not what you expected, post your code.
> > > >> On 3 maio, 17:50, Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >>> Hi I am somewhat new here and to jquery I learned javascript and have
> > > >>> a previous knowledge of programming.
> > > >>> I am having trouble using the hover and the fadein and fadeout
> > > >>> functions.
> > > >>> I made a script to fade in a list when the mouse is over an image but
> > > >>> it dosen't work at all.
> > > >>> I want to make an action where when the users put the mouse over the
> > > >>> image a window fades in it could be a window/or table/ ect somthing
> > > >>> that will look like a photo album which allows the user to look at
> > > >>> other pics the users has then if the users mouse goes off the picture
> > > >>> and it's not on that fadeded in table/or window  then it would fade
> > > >>> out.
> > > >>> I am trying to play with my css elements I already defined all html
> > > >>> elements to css properties ect.- Hide quoted text -
> > > >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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