Hi Joel,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into this.  Your solution
does stop the dropdowns from staying open, which was a problem, so
that's great.

Perhaps I didn't state the biggest problem clearly though...if you
actually click on a link from a dropdown, (for example, go to the
About Us page) that particular dropdown will be open when the page

I assume this is because the class "active" is assigned to that

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Thanks again.

On May 8, 12:17 am, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the 'if' is removed from the out function, the menu almost works
> perfectly. The only downside is that the current second tier menu is
> 'refreshed' when you mouseout rather than simply staying revealed. It
> disappears then animates back in as if it is being restored as it
> would if you moused out from a sibling non-current second tier menu.
> It may be an acceptable workaround for you though and it is far better
> than your current problem. Change the 'out' function to this:
> out = function(){
>         var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
>         var o = getOpts(menu,true);
>         clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer);
>         menu.sfTimer=setTimeout(function(){
>                 $$.hideSuperfishUl();
>                 if (o.$path.length){over.call(o.$path);}
>         },o.delay);
> },
> All I did there is remove the "if" statement. It's a hack, but until
> Superfish officially supports using pathClass with three tiered menus,
> this may have to suffice. I did try a few things to try and get a
> perfect result but it eluded me and I don't have as much time to spend
> on this as I used to unfortunately. I hope this workaround helps you
> out.
> Joel Birch.

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