On May 25, 8:26 am, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> $.extend(foo) merely returns a reference to foo. It doesn't clone foo.
> $.extend( {}, foo ) creates a new object and copies all of foo's properties
> into it (doing a shallow copy).
> So in theory you may be able to use $.extend( {}, $ ) - or more properly,
> jQuery( {}, jQuery ) - to clone the jQuery constructor. I wouldn't promise
> that this would work, though - it depends on what assumptions the jQuery
> code makes.

   This also doesn't work. I have tried both $.extend({}, $) and
$.extend(true, {}, $). This results in $D('body') is not a function
error. Seems that it doesn't copy really.

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
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