On May 25, 1:26 pm, Christof Donat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     I want to have both $ and $D; but in $D, I want to override some
> > functions like 'click', 'hover'. Till now, $ and $D gets overwritten
> > and so I couldn't use $ or couldn't override $D.click
> Is it absolutelly necessary, that $D has all the other jQuery functionality?
> If not just hav the code you need in $D.

   Not necessary, but I want to have them chained with jQuery object

> Is it absolutelly necessary, that the functions have the name click() and
> hover()? Maybe you can simply add dclick() and dhover to jQuery.

   Yes, I want to override click

> If both are necessary I'd still stick to Michaels question: Why? Sometimes
> there are other solutions to a problem that one doesn't see untill someone
> else hits ones nose to it. Tell us why you need it that way and we can think
> about alternative solutions.

   I wrote a jQuery version of
which is actually event delegation based. The idea was to replace $
('foo').click() with $D('foo').click() whenever necessary to speed up
the pages. It was working fine, but I lost the code. Now, I'm trying
to rewrite the same and now can't do that with the idea that I had in

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com    Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

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