Victor: That shouldn't be the case (if you're using noConflict). Note
that the code he presented worked with 1.2.3.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 4:41 AM, Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kape:
> Just read your post again. You are using prototype. I believe that it
> conflicts with 1.2.5 and 1.2.6.
> Victor
> On May 27, 5:26 pm, kape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, I'm sure that someone would have mentioned that the latest
>> releases don't work, so that can't be it.  It's obvious that I'm
>> missing something.
>> I've been using jQuery 1.2.3 for months now, and today I wanted to use
>> the ui.slider plugin which requires offsetWidth() which is not in
>> 1.2.3.  So I figured I'd just download the latest release, i.e. 1.2.6
>> and be done with it.  I did just that, but when I ran my app, there
>> were a whole bunch of JS errors.  I figured that's to be expected, my
>> code isn't perfect.  So I started debuging them.  So far, I'm still
>> trying to debug the very first one.
>> I have something as simple as:
>> jQuery(document).ready(function() {
>>   alert(jQuery('body').html());
>> });
>> If I use 1.2.3 everything works and onLoad I get the html of the body
>> element.  If I change the one line to 1.2.5 or 1.2.6, I get an alert
>> with "undefined".  The reason I'm using jQuery() instead of $() is
>> that I am also using prototype for their portal plugin.  I wish I
>> wasn't but the jQuery verion just isn't cutting it yet.  And yes, I
>> have the jQuery.noConflict(); line first in my JS code.
>> So, what am I missing?  Do I need to download any other file besides
>> jquery-1.2.5.pack.js for example?  Are the new releases not working
>> with prototype?  Are they using different syntax?  I mean, I assume
>> that if the new releases would have such drastic changes, they
>> wouldn't be 1.2.6 they would be 2.0.
>> Anyway, hopefully someone can point out whatever it is that I'm
>> missing here.
>> Thanks,
>> Kape

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