OK, I'm sure that someone would have mentioned that the latest
releases don't work, so that can't be it.  It's obvious that I'm
missing something.

I've been using jQuery 1.2.3 for months now, and today I wanted to use
the ui.slider plugin which requires offsetWidth() which is not in
1.2.3.  So I figured I'd just download the latest release, i.e. 1.2.6
and be done with it.  I did just that, but when I ran my app, there
were a whole bunch of JS errors.  I figured that's to be expected, my
code isn't perfect.  So I started debuging them.  So far, I'm still
trying to debug the very first one.

I have something as simple as:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

If I use 1.2.3 everything works and onLoad I get the html of the body
element.  If I change the one line to 1.2.5 or 1.2.6, I get an alert
with "undefined".  The reason I'm using jQuery() instead of $() is
that I am also using prototype for their portal plugin.  I wish I
wasn't but the jQuery verion just isn't cutting it yet.  And yes, I
have the jQuery.noConflict(); line first in my JS code.

So, what am I missing?  Do I need to download any other file besides
jquery-1.2.5.pack.js for example?  Are the new releases not working
with prototype?  Are they using different syntax?  I mean, I assume
that if the new releases would have such drastic changes, they
wouldn't be 1.2.6 they would be 2.0.

Anyway, hopefully someone can point out whatever it is that I'm
missing here.



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