Highjo, it's only been 90 minutes since your first post appeared here. Be
patient. :-)

If you posted the message earlier than that, it was probably delayed because
messages from new members go through moderation to help cut down on the
terrible spam problem in Google Groups. (See the Google Maps API group for
an example of what happens otherwise!) It's admittedly not a perfect

Regarding the order you load the JavaScript, it's jQuery first, then any
jQuery plugins such as jqModal, then your own code. You can put the CSS
files before all the JavaScript.

If you have trouble getting it to work, post a link to a test page showing
what you've tried. That will make it a lot easier for someone to look at the


> From: highjo
> am i ignored or something or what i'm aking for is so obvious 
> that nobody replies to me at least one directive?
> I don't think i'm in the wrong place.
> i 'm member of differents forums and it not like this for newbies.
> tell me if i miss something or not follwing this forums rules.
> wow i'm impressed!!
> thanks anyway.
> highjo wrote:
> > 
> > Hi!
> > i'm new to this an quite new to programming.I can fel this is 
> > great.I'm from the jqModal tutorial page and i just want to 
> try it and 
> > add it to my project.First i did a copy and paste but it not 
> > working.Ok i thought it's because i don't understand the 
> library and i 
> > went to try another tuto like get started and how jquery 
> works.It was great.
> > one thing confuse me from the http://dev.iceburg.net page is don't 
> > know which tools to use.
> >  i'm interested in the styling view a .don't know here to start.
> > i've understood that i should have jquery (i've downloaded the 
> > jquery-1.2.6.js wit which i worked with the get started).
> > i've downloaded the styling i mean the jqModal.css i've 
> downloaded the 
> > jqModal.js the there are javascript,css,html code snipet for the 
> > example.
> > i'm confused wich one should i use ? or should i use all of 
> them.code 
> > snipet javascript + jqModal.js + jquery.js+ code snipet css+ 
> > jqModal.css and html or no need for jquery since jqModal is there.
> > Please if any one has done it ,help me to start this interesting 
> > plugin

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