On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 23:39:42 -0400, Karl Swedberg wrote:

> ok. quick suggestion for now until I look more into this:
> you don't need to use the rel attribute at all. you can instead set  
> the attribute option to any attribute you want. You could use the  
> title attribute from the area for the clueTip title (default) or use  
> the alt attribute for it; you can use the href attribute to fetch the  
> contents from an element with a matching id.
> $('area').cluetip({
>       attribute: 'href',
>       titleAttribute: 'alt',
>       local: true
> });

Thanks Karl,

That is exactly what I have been doing right now<g>.

I have these settings:

        hideLocal: true, 
        showTitle: true, 
        sticky: false, 
        arrows: true, 
        titleAttribute: 'alt', 
        attribute: 'href' });

Thanks for confirming my logic (in your other post reply) that for local
content using href would be good in case JS was turned off.

I figured that (in normal operation) the local content is hidden in divs
below the image map and they display as the Cluetip.  But that if JS was
disabled they would appear below the image map and the href would serve as
a anchor link to jump to it.

If you can figure out the IE thing, I think this will be a solid winner for


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