I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
they are what i should be using.

.scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
out, but doesn't scroll either.

here's the code I'm using
        function scrollToShow(showid){
                target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a selector or a 
object too.

the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
<ul class="holdList">
        <li class="1" name="1">first in list</li>
        <li class="2" name="2">second in list</li>

Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

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