I had the same problem so I switched to the Google hosted files and
it's *much* faster.
Also, if we use it systematically, the client browser caches the files
between different apps.

You need to replace the load to this:

  <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi";></script>
    // Load jQuery
    google.load("jquery", "1.2");
    google.load("jqueryui", "1.5");

Nothing else needs to be changed.

A good article on the subject:


On Sep 17, 7:05 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We just acquired four new servers from Media Temple, yesterday. We'll
> be moving the various sub-domains (docs, plugins, dev, ui) to their
> own unique servers this week - this should help with load times
> significantly.
> But yes, it's mostly due to popularity issues (we're getting the
> equivalent of about 4 Digg/Slashdot-ings worth of traffic, per day, at
> this point).
> On 9/17/08, misterqj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have experienced the same thing. Based on other messages in this
> > newsgroup, I think it is a combo of hosting issues and jQuery's
> > popularity. On one hand, it is great that the toolkit is being so
> > widely used, but on the other hand it seems that the resources aren't
> > keeping up with demand.
> > It is a free toolkit, though, so I am not inclined to complain too
> > much. But if they need additional resources, it might be time for the
> > community to kick in a little $$.
> > On Sep 17, 7:30 am, micha_17 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Can someone please confirm that jquery.com is sometimes (%2) so slow,
> >> pages won't even show up after 2 minutes waiting ? The slowness has
> >> been there before tha page has been redesigned.
> >> I'm on winxp FF3. I's the same with my colleagues here and @home.
> --
> --John

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