Hi Alexandre,

very interesting approach, this internal dialog that you report. Thanks for it.

I could propose a short introduction to address this initial "what
now?". Basically, what needs to be said is :

" move your mouse over the barcode lines to access lisa pram's photo
sets. You can use the keywords on top to filter out the type of work
you are more interested in. The bottom line navigator is the complete
list of albums organised in a line of clickable rectangles, of which
width indicates the number of images it contains. Enjoy the visuals. "

For the arrows, it might still change, so we'll see...

On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your page loads pretty well here (about 10 sec for all).
> The afterload impression is quite "what now ?", then a random click,
> and "uh... ok, lets try to understand this bizarre thing". Half of the
> visitors should abandon here, since they are lazy to make any effort
> by themselves. I honestly would have been one of them if it wasn't for
> testing.
> It took me about 15-30 seconds to get used to it, and then it's
> absolutely cool ! Understanding the navigation is like a reward, and I
> don't regret it. My only bad point would be the extremes left and
> right "doors" needed to switch photos one by one, which I deplore the
> design choice, but it's only a matter of taste.
> If the visitor is really here to discover the work, I think he will
> enjoy the session.
> FF3.0.3 - Mac OS X 10.5.5 - Mac Pro - 20M bandwidth down

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