
" Once you have done that, you just need to load the images in the
background and display a functioning website for the visitor."

I'm trying to see how i could modify my app so thati t works like this:

1/ load the json data
2/ generate the barcode (a UL with LI's , each LI is a bar that will
contain images)
3/ when user clicks on a barcode it loads all the images of that album
4/ when the user is not "active" (meaning he's idle, looking at
pictures) load the other albums' images in the background

It is part 4 that i'm a bit lost on how to achieve it. Would someone
care to describe how to do that?

If it may help, i also output the barcode complete html  (UL, LI, and
IMG tags) in a NOSCRIPT tag for those without js, so maybe i can use
those for the background loading?

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
> @-b: given the comments above, i intend to implement this background
> image loading. thanks for taking time to review the website and the
> comment!
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I tried loading the site several times and it timed out after loading
>> 88 or 89 images. I was left with a non-functioning web page.
>> As a veteran software developer, I can assure you that there are
>> compromises you can make that would make the website usable and still
>> deliver the vision of the client.
>> It appears that you are dealing with a fixed data set. You can derive
>> all UI elements that depend on the full data set offline. Once you
>> have done that, you just need to load the images in the background and
>> display a functioning website for the visitor.
>> Regards,
>> -b
>> On Oct 24, 2:05 pm, pixeline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi mates,
>>> May i ask you guys to have a look at my latest project,a bit on the
>>> experimental side in terms of UI : a barcode image gallery for a
>>> spanish photographer:  http://www.pixeline.be/test/lisapram/
>>> Let me know of any bugs you find?
>>> AFAIK everything should run smooth (except for the long loading time).
>>> Please indicate your OS platform, browser and hardware specs.
>>> The initial load time is quite long so stick around please...
>>> Looking forward to your feedback!
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Alexandre

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