
That's it, i tried to integrate your comments, and now the website is launched.

Thank you to john and every one of the jquery team for making such a
great library. Special thanks to the jquery community for providing me
with such useful feedback !

the website:

my blog post (if you want to know more about the ideas behind):

On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
> Hi Alexandre,
> very interesting approach, this internal dialog that you report. Thanks for 
> it.
> I could propose a short introduction to address this initial "what
> now?". Basically, what needs to be said is :
> " move your mouse over the barcode lines to access lisa pram's photo
> sets. You can use the keywords on top to filter out the type of work
> you are more interested in. The bottom line navigator is the complete
> list of albums organised in a line of clickable rectangles, of which
> width indicates the number of images it contains. Enjoy the visuals. "
> For the arrows, it might still change, so we'll see...
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Your page loads pretty well here (about 10 sec for all).
>> The afterload impression is quite "what now ?", then a random click,
>> and "uh... ok, lets try to understand this bizarre thing". Half of the
>> visitors should abandon here, since they are lazy to make any effort
>> by themselves. I honestly would have been one of them if it wasn't for
>> testing.
>> It took me about 15-30 seconds to get used to it, and then it's
>> absolutely cool ! Understanding the navigation is like a reward, and I
>> don't regret it. My only bad point would be the extremes left and
>> right "doors" needed to switch photos one by one, which I deplore the
>> design choice, but it's only a matter of taste.
>> If the visitor is really here to discover the work, I think he will
>> enjoy the session.
>> FF3.0.3 - Mac OS X 10.5.5 - Mac Pro - 20M bandwidth down

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