I submitted a patch a long time ago to do this that implemented a
natural sorting algorithm for this but it would never get applied and
I couldn't get a response..I assumed the project was light or dead.
I can send you the patched .js i had if you like.

On Nov 10, 9:56 pm, Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just discovering jQuery and finding it really interesting.
> Usual sort of 'learn by doing' thing.  I've been playing with
> the tablesorter plugin, but I've run into a wall.  Particularly
> since I'm far from expert in Javascript. :-)
> I want to be able to sort a table on a column containing
> integrated circuit numbers (such as 7400, LM555, 74LS50
> 4026, et cetera).  I want the technology (i.e., the 'LS'
> in '74LS50') to be ignored for sorting purposes, so 74LS50
> and 74H50 would be juxtaposed.  I also want the series
> to be grouped together (e.g., 7400 series together,
> 4000 series together, et cetera).
> Unfortunately, this is possibly a little more complex than
> it might seem.  Given the following part numbers,
> 7400
> 4010
> 74C10
> 4026
> 74257
> 4012
> 74LS174
> 40257
> the correct ascending order should be
> 4010
> 4012
> 4026
> 40257
> 7400
> 74C10
> 74LS174
> 74257
> I'm used to custom sorting callbacks that are given two arguments
> and return whether a<b, a==b, or a>b -- but I'm not finding how
> to do the equivalent with tablesorter.
> Is it even possible?
> Thanks!
> --
> #ken    P-)}
> Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
> Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/
> "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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