Yes, it does work.

I just have a couple follow up questions. When I first load the page, the
element that's supposed to be hidden is displayed. Is there a way to modify
it so that it doesn't display until someone mouses over the yellow "MS-Free"

I put a working example online at

Also, suppose I wanted to add a similar function, named Stuff, for example.
Would I just add a separate script, as below?:
  // do something on mouse over
  // do something on mouse out

  // do something on mouse over
  // do something on mouse out
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:39 AM, David Blomstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> No, it isn't working. I deleted the JavaScript that previously controlled
> it, then I looked for any CSS styles that might have been interfering with
> it.
> I looked at the page with the Firebug console, and it doesn't report any
> errors. I know I'm conneced to my JQuery scripts because some JQuery table
> sorting functions on the same page are working.
> I'll go back and take a fresh look at it in a moment.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Hector Virgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> That looks good, did it work?
>> -Hector
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:57 AM, David Blomstrom <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> So should the code in my head section  look something like this?:
>>> <script src="'.$BaseURL.'/1A/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"
>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>> <script src="'.$BaseURL.'/1A/js/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js"
>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
>>>  $(document).ready(function()
>>>   {
>>>   $("#myTable").tablesorter({ widgets: [\'zebra\']} );
>>> $(\'#MSFree\').mouseover(function()
>>> {
>>>   $(\'#menu2\').show();
>>> });
>>> $(\'#MSFree\').mouseout(function()
>>> {
>>>   $(\'#menu2\').hide();
>>> });
>>>   }
>>>  );
>>> </script>
>>> ...or do I need to place the code you gave me in the body somehow?
>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Hector Virgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>> The .show() and .hide() functions are on-demand functions -- they'll
>>>> happen immediately when the code is called. What you need to do is observe
>>>> the user's actions and show/hide the div based on what they are doing.
>>>> For that, you can use .mouseover() and .mouseout with callback
>>>> functions. The callback functions will be called when certain events 
>>>> happen,
>>>> and that is where you place the .hide() and .how() code:
>>>> // Untested...
>>>> $('#MSFree').mouseover(function()
>>>> {
>>>>     $('#menu2').show();
>>>> });
>>>> $('#MSFree').mouseout(function()
>>>> {
>>>>     $('#menu2').hide();
>>>> });
>>>> -Hector
>>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:35 AM, David Blomstrom <
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Here's a condensed version of my code...
>>>>> <div class="collapsible" id="MSFree">
>>>>>   <div id="trigger2" class="trigger"><span>V</span>Microsoft-Free</div>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> <div id='menu2' class='menu'">This website was designed....</div>
>>>>> So I would convert your code to this?:
>>>>> $('#MSFree').show();
>>>>> $('#MSFree').hide();
>>>>> Would I just add that to the JQuery code in my head section, and the
>>>>> script would then open whenever someone mouses over it?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Andy Matthews <
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>  jQuery has built in show() / hide() methods. The syntax would look
>>>>>> something like this:
>>>>>> $('#someElement').show();
>>>>>> $('#someElement').hide();
>>>>>> Where someElement was a container with an ID.
>>>>>> andy
>>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> *On Behalf Of *David Blomstrom
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 12:11 PM
>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>> *Subject:* [jQuery] Need Open/Shut Function
>>>>>> I've been looking for JQuery examples pages and started browsing
>>>>>> through plugins, but I haven't found what I'm looking for yet, so I 
>>>>>> wondered
>>>>>> if anyone here could make some recommendations.
>>>>>> If you visit my web page at,
>>>>>> you'll see a "Microsoft-Free" box in the top right corner of the page.
>>>>>> Hovering over it with your mouse causes a small display to appear.
>>>>>> At the end of the article is a little Links/Books image with similar
>>>>>> behavior (though there's currently no content to display).
>>>>>> What JQuery function, plugin or whatever should I use to duplicate
>>>>>> those functions? I'd like to be able to style it so that it looks pretty
>>>>>> much as it does now.
>>>>>> Also, on my World home page at I have
>>>>>> links to a series of JavaScript pop-up boxes with links to various 
>>>>>> nations.
>>>>>> It's a pretty simple, straightforward JavaScsript. I just wondered if 
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> are any JQuery functions that would somehow enhance those popups.
>>>>>> So far I'm using a JQuery table sorter plugin and "zebra stripes"
>>>>>> widget. My code looks like this:
>>>>>> <script src="'.$BaseURL.'/1A/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"
>>>>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>>>> <script src="'.$BaseURL.'/1A/js/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js"
>>>>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>>>> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
>>>>>>  $(document).ready(function()
>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>   $("#myTable").tablesorter({ widgets: [\'zebra\']} );
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>  );
>>>>>> </script>
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> --
>>>>> David Blomstrom
>>>>> Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)
>>> --
>>> David Blomstrom
>>> Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)
> --
> David Blomstrom
> Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)

David Blomstrom
Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)

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