Superfish ver. 1.4.8
Bgiframe ver. 2.1.1
JQuery ver. 1.2.6

Are you using the nav-bar style as well? I'm not sure if that matters
or not since the ul's are displayed differently.

On Dec 24, 11:48 am, SLR <> wrote:
> > No dice, I'm afraid. The only change was that it generated white, drop-
> > down arrows again. Thank you for trying to help me out. I'm going to
> > create a test environment later today, with the same settings and
> > files, but without being embedded in one of my pages. I think bgIframe
> > may have a conflict with other javascript on the page. I'll post any
> > results.
> Odd... I'm using that same code and it's working fine on my end. What
> version of Superfish and BgiFrame are you using?
> Currently, I'm running Superfish ver. 1.4.8 and BgiFrame ver. 2.1.1
> with the code I mentioned earlier, and it's working flawlessly.

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