Great Ricardo!

Couple of things to limit my possibility of making an error or needing
to try/remember unnecessary variables:

Q1: Does the doc type are at the top of the page matter much....
strict? transitional? xmlns line?

Q2:  Do I need an EXTRA  });  at the bottom of the script just before
</script>? AND/OR should I try with     $(document).ready(function()
{   right under    <script type="text/javascript">    ???
I have found that the $(document).ready(function(){   helped with
other scripts.

BELOW: script as I assume is correct
based on your latest post above

<script type="text/javascript">

 $('ul.first a').click(function(){
      var n =; //get the numbers only
      $('#vid'+n).click(); // same as trigger('click');



I have now tried the script (though without all the 'variables trying'
I will do shortly)

And, sorry to have to say I'm not getting a result yet.
Have only tried on my main page and with my barest possible test page.

I'll keep trying and never give up! :--)

Here's a snip of each of the 2 areas though I'm pretty sure I've
chossen the right example of mine 'above' that you were referencing to
use with your latest code.

One menu line:

<li><a id="one1" name="one1" href="#first-a">section 1 item 1</a></

One videos line:

<a href="vid1.flv"  id='vid1' name='vid1' class="media"> video1</a>

THIS above IS a part of what I would work with? yes I think.

THANKS for the jsbin comment!

And, I won't be surprised if right after I post this it starts working
and I find it's some oversight of mine.
Not working at the moment though.... only did my first tests though.


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