Instead of href="##", put href="javascript: return false". It will work, but
be warned that FF will generate a warning because return is not inside a

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Rick Faircloth

> Thanks, Josh...
> You were almost perfect.  I just needed to add one more .next to the second
> line:
> $(this).parent().next().next().fadeIn(500);
> then it worked.
> Another question however, is how to keep the page from going back to the
> top
> every time the Update link is clicked.  I've got two ## as the href because
> of
> ColdFusion need to have two.  Is that the problem, or is there another
> solution?
> <a class="update-link" href='##'>Update</a>
> That's the current code.  Suggestions?
> Thanks,

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