Thanks for the reply, Milos…


Charlie Griefer suggested using “return false” also, but

suggested putting it in the js method, itself.

Works perfectly!  Thanks for the suggestion.  It’s good

to know I’ve got two ways to approach this in case one

doesn’t work.




From: [] On Behalf 
Of Miloš Rašic
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 4:35 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to make this work for multiple elements with same 


Instead of href="##", put href="javascript: return false". It will work, but be 
warned that FF will generate a warning because return is not inside a function.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Rick Faircloth <> 

Thanks, Josh...

You were almost perfect.  I just needed to add one more .next to the second 


then it worked.

Another question however, is how to keep the page from going back to the top
every time the Update link is clicked.  I've got two ## as the href because of
ColdFusion need to have two.  Is that the problem, or is there another solution?

<a class="update-link" href='##'>Update</a>

That's the current code.  Suggestions?


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