This might work for Superfish but isn't it also a possibility by doing this
you could do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, as this
could also override any other third party CSS you're trying to use? While I
guess it's not technically incorrect, there's no reason to include
!important in every one of your properties. If you must, it should only be
done on elements that require it to function correctly. Ideally, you should
just modify your CSS to not even use this on your properties (via unique
names, inheritance, etc)...


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 12:31 AM, johny why <> wrote:

> trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
> conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
> rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
> you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
> girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
> instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
> the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
> menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.
> open all your css files, and globally replace: ";" with " !important;"
> (don't forget the space before !important;)
> for example, this:
> top: -999em;
> will become:
> top: -999em !important;
> the "!important" property forces that style to override all other css,
> whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
> below in the css hierarchy.
> badabing!

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