One thing to keep in mind: If two declarations use "!important! the
conflict is solved by specificity again, e.g. as if there were no "!

<div id="foo" class="bar">

#foo {
    width: 200px !important; /* higher specificity */
.bar {
    width: 300px !important;

Applied width will be 200px.


On 17 Jan., 06:31, johny why <> wrote:
> trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
> conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
> rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
> you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
> girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
> instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
> the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
> menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.
> open all your css files, and globally replace: ";" with " !important;"
> (don't forget the space before !important;)
> for example, this:
> top: -999em;
> will become:
> top: -999em !important;
> the "!important" property forces that style to override all other css,
> whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
> below in the css hierarchy.
> badabing!

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