but unless you've declared some of your default styles as !important,
the widget *will* take precedence if it's called after the default

the only issues i can see are relative vs. explicit pixel sizes - for
ex. if you've declared pixel sizes for your fonts with some especially
broad selectors (globally stating that all paragraphs in divs have a
font size of 10px or whatever)  whilst the widget author has used
relative % sizes. Even in those cases it's be quicker, easier and
neater to just change your default CSS rather than replacing every
instance of ; with !important; in your imported stylesheet.

the long and the short of it it that it's a very inelegant solution to
a problem that isn't so much a 'problem' as 'the whole point of
cascading stylesheets'. it's like looking for a solution to grass
being green!

On Jan 19, 3:32 pm, johny why <johny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i don't see it as a problem. With or without !important, the site-css
> will cascade into the widget for elements undeclared in the widget--
> the widget designer expects that. The important thing is for the
> widget's declared styles to take precedence, which !important achieves
> in most cases. (if i'm integrating the jQuery widget into a cms like,
> say, WordPress, i may or may not have control over exactly when the
> widget-css is declared.)

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