ryan.joyce wrote:
> unless you've declared some of your default styles as !important,
> the widget *will* take precedence if it's called after the default
> CSS.

--if you mean the widget styles will affect the main site rendering,
not if the widget styles are correctly declared with unique id's or

> the only issues i can see are relative vs. explicit pixel sizes...

--rendering problems of a widget, in my experience, could involve
many, indeed EVERY attribute of every element in the widget.

> Even in those cases it's be quicker, easier and
> neater to just change your default CSS rather than replacing every
> instance of ; with !important; in your imported stylesheet.

--this solution is for cases where changing your default css, which
will of course affect your main site rendering, is undesirable or
impossible. for me, doing a global replace of ";" with " !important;"
takes about 1/2 a second. on the other hand, fine-tuning my main site
css so that the widget and the site both look right could potentially
take hours of trouble-shooting, trial-and-error, and juggling
precedence, including specificity, order of declaration, id's and
classes, and so on.

> it's a very inelegant solution to
> a problem that isn't so much a 'problem' as 'the whole point of
> cascading stylesheets'.

--one point of cascading stylesheets is to ensure site-uniformity and
styling flexibility with minimum effort and redundancy. Which is
awesome, where you have control over everything. but a 3rd-party
widget was not designed to work with your site css, and your site was
not designed to work with that widget. if you're designing a custom
widget from scratch in concert with your site, then tightly-
integrating it with your site css makes more sense. but it makes less
sense, to me, to devote frustrating hours to making a 3rd-party widget
css to cooperate with your site css, when a simple rule does the
trick. choosing the path of greatest effort seems to me to defeat one
of the benefits of css-- to reduce effort.

besides, as ricardo pointed out, !important does not eliminate all
cascading--  undeclared elements will still get cascaded into the
widget. For example, my superfish menu still inherits the font-family
and font-size from my site-css, which is great--i'm getting the
benefit of desirable cascade, while eliminating the undesirable
cascades with !important.

!important does not 'break' css-- it's part of the css language,
intended to be used where appropriate.

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