Is it known when one might wish to continue to use the LiveQuery
plugin itself with version 1.3+ of the jQuery library? That is, if I
upgrade, is there any reason to keep the LQ plugin around?

On Jan 14, 3:16 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> first off all...  the purpose (and advantage of)LiveQueryis that
> when new matching items are added, they will automatically be wired
> up...
> secondly, one thing to look at is the just-released-today version of
> jQuery (1.3), it now has a ".live" handler that will effectively do
> what the plugin does
> On Jan 14, 3:07 pm, ocptime <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I had seen a new plugin called "LiveQuery" and i have some questions
> > that are not yet completely answered when i read its documentation.
> > I am using jquery.form.plugin, My questions is when to uselivequery
> > and what is it's advantages.
> > is it possible to uselivequeryin conjention with the form plugin.
> > can u pls cite me a small sample code or some pointers on the web
> > where both are used.
> > Thanks in advance
> > ocptime

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