If you are going to apply a specific iframe height via script...


...You MUST bind an event to window.resize to *re-size* the iframe
whenever the browser window is resized.


On Jan 30, 10:58 am, jquertil <til...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you're going down the wrong path - you shouldnt need to script
> anything to get a CSS attribute to work.
> usually when I run into this problem it is because somewhere in my
> document tree there is a parent lement that has no height attribute
> set.
> So if you have html > someDiv > anotherDiv > table > tr >td > iframe
> every one of the elements should have a parent with  height set
> At least this is how I usually end up solving the dreaded height 100%
> problem whenever I come to it.
> Alternatively, you can try
> $('#myIframe').css({height:$(this).parent('td').height()});

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