Tragically none of those quoting variations work.   (I've pretty much
exhausted every quote variation in my desperate search to try to
figure out what's going on.)

Any other ideas?  Could this possibly be a jquery bug?

On Feb 16, 11:35 am, Michael Lawson <> wrote:
> I didn't notice the quotation discrepancy, good catch!  Also, I know
> they're not required, but it's good practice IMHO.
> cheers
> Michael Lawson
> Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions,
> Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
> E-mail:
> 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
> find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
> or others, only then should you accept them.'
>   From:       Karl Swedberg <>                           
>   To:                                      
>   Date:       02/16/2009 11:31 AM                                             
>   Subject:    [jQuery] Re: "class" weirdness in loaded XML?!?                 
> The string does not need to be wrapped in single quotation marks. Also, why
> does the selector begin with a single quotation mark and end with a double?
> Are these just typos in the emails?
> Try this:
> $('span[class*=mycategory]',xml).length
> Just one set of single quotation marks, and the closing mark is to the
> right of the closing bracket.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl
> On Feb 16, 2009, at 11:15 AM, Michael Lawson wrote:
>       You should wrap your string in '
>       so your code would be
>       $('span[class*='mycategory'"],xml).length
>       cheers
>       Michael Lawson
>       Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions,
>       Phone: 1-919-517-1568 Tieline: 255-1568
>       E-mail:
>       'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold.
>       If you find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't
>       harm yourself or others, only then should you accept them.'
>       <graycol.gif>ml1 ---02/16/2009 11:08:46 AM---I have something very
>       strange going on trying to create a wrapped set
>  <ecblank.gif>    <ecblank.gif>                                            
>  From:            ml1 <?>                              
>  <ecblank.gif>    <ecblank.gif>                                            
>  To:              "jQuery (English)" <>          
>  <ecblank.gif>    <ecblank.gif>                                            
>  Date:            02/16/2009 11:08 AM                                      
>  <ecblank.gif>    <ecblank.gif>                                            
>  Subject:         [jQuery] "class" weirdness in loaded XML?!?              
>       I have something very strange going on trying to create a wrapped set
>       of elements from an xml file loaded via jquery's xmlhttprequest.
>       The
>       xml has a number of entries with class attributes that have multiple
>       values, ie <span class="mycategory mychoice" ...>...</span>
>       When I use this selector:
>         $('span[class*=mycategory"],xml).length
>       jquery returns zero.  Weirdly if I do exactly the same thing but use
>       a
>       different attribute name from "class" in the xml and the query, it
>       works perfectly.
>       If I use this method I get the expected result:
>         $('span').attr('class')
>       It returns "mycategory mychoice"
>       Is there something special about the "class" attribute in xml that is
>       causing this?
>  graycol.gif
> < 1KViewDownload
>  ecblank.gif
> < 1KViewDownload

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