I want to point out a couple things:
1) You should always use $("#foo").find("p") in favor of $("p", $
("#foo")) - the second one ends up executing $(...) 3 times total -
only to arrive at the same result as doing $("#foo").find("p").
2) I generally dislike saying that there's one good way to do a
selector (especially with one that has such bad syntax, as above) -
especially since it may not always be that way.

In fact, I've already filed a bug and I'll be looking in to this
issue, possibly resolving it tonight or tomorrow - at which point the
advice will be false again.

My recommendation is to always write the simplest, easiest to
understand, expression: jQuery will try to do the rest to optimize it.


On Feb 24, 10:23 am, Stephan Veigl <stephan.ve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> $('#foo').find('p') and $('p', $('#foo')) are approximately of the same speed.
> I've put the test code on JSBin, so everybody can play around with it
> and try other combinations :-)http://jsbin.com/ifemo
> by(e)
> Stephan
> 2009/2/24 Karl Swedberg <k...@englishrules.com>:
> > Hi Stephan,
> > Thanks for doing this testing! Would you mind profiling $('#foo').find('p')
> > as well? I suspect it will be roughly equivalent to $('p', $('#foo'))
> > Cheers,
> > --Karl
> > ____________
> > Karl Swedberg
> >www.englishrules.com
> >www.learningjquery.com
> > On Feb 24, 2009, at 8:28 AM, Stephan Veigl wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've done some profiling on this, and $("p", $("#foo")) is faster than
> > $("#foo p") in both jQuery 1.2.6 and 1.3.2.
> > the test HTML consists of 100 <p>s in a "foo" <div> and 900 <p>s in a
> > "bar" <div>.
> > However the factor differs dramatically:
> > In 1.2.6 the speedup from $("p", $("#foo")) to $("#foo p") was between
> > 1.5x (FF) and 2x (IE),
> > while for 1.3.2 the speedup is 20x (FF) and 15x (IE).
> > $("p", $("#foo")) is faster in 1.3.2, by a factor of 1.5 (both FF and IE),
> > while $("#foo p") is _slower_ in 1.3.2 by 8.5x (FF) and 4.6x (IE).
> > Even with an empty "bar" div $("p", $("#foo")) is faster by a factor up to
> > 3x.
> > Conclusion:
> > If you have an ID selector, first get the element by it's ID and use
> > it as scope for further selects.
> > by(e)
> > Stephan
> > 2009/2/23 ricardobeat <ricardob...@gmail.com>:
> > up to jQuery 1.2.6 that's how the selector engine worked (from the top
> > down/left to right). The approach used in Sizzle (bottom up/right to
> > left) has both benefits and downsides - it can be much faster on large
> > DOMs and some situations, but slower on short queries. I'm sure
> > someone can explain that in better detail.
> > Anyway, in modern browsers most of the work is being delegated to the
> > native querySelectorAll function, as so selector performance will
> > become more of a browser makers' concern.
> > - ricardo
> > On Feb 23, 1:08 pm, Peter Bengtsson <pete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I watched the John Resig presentation too and learned that CSS
> > selectors always work from right to left.
> > That would mean that doing this::
> >   $('#foo p')
> > Would extract all <p> tags and from that list subselect those who
> > belong to #foo. Suppose you have 1000 <p> tags of them only 100 are
> > inside #foo you'll have wasted 900 loops.
> > Surely $('#foo') is the fastest lookup possible. Doing it this way
> > will effectively limit the scope of the $('p') search and you will
> > never be bothered about any <p> tags outside #foo.
> > Or am I talking rubbish?

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