@John: I found a little bug in your v1.3.3 test version...

This selector works fine in FireFox, but bombs out in IE7...

   $("#div50 p")

IE7 --> "Object doesn't support this property or method"

But this works fine:

   $("#div50 > p")

NOTE that I'm pulling v1.3.3 directly from your personal copy
(jquery1.3.3/dist/jquery.js). I realize this is just a test version,
but thought you'd like to know.


On Feb 25, 4:21 pm, John Resig <jere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > WOW! Check out the last 2 tests, John. Syntax #4 takes 512-times
> > longer than #5! I think this code needs a little TLC too ;)
> > It was also interesting that $("#div500").children("p") is 10-times
> > slower than $("#div500").find("p"). So I added one final test using
> > childNodes and filter() to see if I could beat .children()...
> Oh right, this is a regression to what I just did - I can tweak that.
> I'll look in to it tonight.
> --John

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