On Feb 25, 11:59 am, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Conditional Comments are great and all (best thing to come from MS
> since asynchronous requests) but they're not the best solution here,
> IMHO. Whether it's the browser or a feature that needs detecting, it's
> often required somewhere in the middle of some routine. Using CC,
> you'd need to duplicate your method, object, whatever.

That's not true. I do things like this:

// This is a better check than looking at userAgent!
useIframe:/*...@cc_on @*//*...@if (@_win32) true, @else @*/false,/*...@end @*/

Anyone who thinks they have a need to check the browser would benefit
from reading more about feature detection and why it is almost always
a better strategy. It just doesn't come naturally at first for many,
and you might struggle through some "yeah, BUT!" moments, but in the
end you'll be better off.

Matt Kruse

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