Sorry, I hit "post" button too quickly there...

You can see an example linking to a test page here:

I've seen the issue in FF3, Safari 3, and in IE 6 and 7.

Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. Any help appreciated. Thank you!

On Mar 4, 1:43 pm, clorentzen <> wrote:
> Hi --
> I'm using the LocalScroll plugin, and having trouble getting it to
> work when passing the anchor through as part of the URL. Instead of
> scrolling to the appropriate anchor id, the window just moves a few
> pixels and stops.
> Calling LocalScroll on links within the page works fine, but not when
> the link is coming from another page or typed directly in the browser
> address bar.
> My code for initializing LocalScroll is:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>     $.localScroll.hash({
>         axis:'x',
>         duration:1500
>     });
>     $('#container').localScroll({
>         axis:'x',
>         hash:true,
>         duration: 1000
>     });
> });

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