It seems to be working well for me, on FF2.
Using the back button won't animatedly scroll, the plugin isn't
monitoring those changes.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 7:28 PM, clorentzen <> wrote:
> Ariel --
> Thanks for your reply. If I go to my test page from one of the full
> URLs with an anchor, and then refresh the page, I still have the
> problem -- namely, it resets to the beginning of the page and doesn't
> properly scroll to the anchor location in the URL. Also, when I click
> my "site two" link, the subsequent properly scrolls all the way from
> the left to the anchor location, but the "site three" link seems to
> scroll over only from 100 or so pixels from the anchor location. Any
> ideas why these things might be happening? Thanks again.
> I've updated my sample/test page with the new code you provided.
> Best,
> --Carl.
> On Mar 4, 5:04 pm, Ariel Flesler <> wrote:
>> I think that happens because you first need to reset the scroll to
>> (0,0).
>> The browser also scrolls natively.
>> I'm planning to add this within $.localScroll.hash, as well as taking
>> advantage of sync animations, added since 1.3.
>> But for now... :)
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>    window.scrollTo(0,0);
>>    $.localScroll.hash({
>>       axis:'x',
>>       duration:1500
>>    });
>>    $('#container').localScroll({
>>      axis:'x',
>>      hash:true,
>>      duration: 1000
>>   });
>> });
>> --
>> Ariel Flesler
>> On Mar 4, 3:47 pm, clorentzen <> wrote:
>> > Sorry, I hit "post" button too quickly there...
>> > You can see an example linking to a test page here:
>> >
>> > I've seen the issue in FF3, Safari 3, and in IE 6 and 7.
>> > Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. Any help appreciated. Thank you!
>> > On Mar 4, 1:43 pm, clorentzen <> wrote:
>> > > Hi --
>> > > I'm using the LocalScroll plugin, and having trouble getting it to
>> > > work when passing the anchor through as part of the URL. Instead of
>> > > scrolling to the appropriate anchor id, the window just moves a few
>> > > pixels and stops.
>> > > Calling LocalScroll on links within the page works fine, but not when
>> > > the link is coming from another page or typed directly in the browser
>> > > address bar.
>> > > My code for initializing LocalScroll is:
>> > > $(document).ready(function(){
>> > >     $.localScroll.hash({
>> > >         axis:'x',
>> > >         duration:1500
>> > >     });
>> > >     $('#container').localScroll({
>> > >         axis:'x',
>> > >         hash:true,
>> > >         duration: 1000
>> > >     });
>> > > });
> >

Ariel Flesler

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