That looks to have done it. Thanks!

On Mar 8, 1:12 pm, Mike Alsup <> wrote:
> > The first issue is in FF 3.0.7 on Mac. Occasionally, the first image
> > appears no problem, however the remaining images show up extremely
> > small. I tried setting a fixed width and height to the images, but
> > that didn't have an effect on it.
> > The other issue is in Safari 3 on Mac. The first image appears, but
> > after it fades out no other images fade in. After a set amount of
> > time, the first image shows up again, then it repeats the process.
> > This happens every time.
> > Is this an issue with the JQuery?
> Can you please try the latest version of the Cycle plugin?  Some
> sizing bugs were fixed in late February.
> Mike

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