> That was my initial issue as well, however my client agreed to same-
> height images. Does anyone know if a previous version has these
> issues? I don't remember ever seeing this happen in the older
> versions.
> On Mar 12, 8:31 am, id404 <ttarp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > @shane: it's not so easy because all images have different sizes.
> > i now set the width to 800px in css and jquery. height still remains
> > at 15px (added inline by jscript).
> > here a link to my dev-server (slow 
> > connection):http://id404.dnsalias.net/foto-ketz.de/index.php?page=portrait

Could you guys try this version and let me know if it solves your
problem?  Thanks.


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