That would be the same as RobG's:;

where this.$windowTitleBar[0] = the containing div (although it's
unclear how you'r getting this.$windowTitleBar[0])

$('.window-titleBar')[0] will get the element from the jQuery
selector. Using on that will work but is dependent
upon your markup, as I said previously. Consider this change in

<div class="window-titleBar" style="z-index: 103;">
<div class="window-minimizeButton">-</div>
<div class="window-maximizeButton">O</div>
<div class="window-closeButton">X</div>
Click Example5

If the child divs are absolutely positioned, then this will render the
same, but the text node is no longer the firstChild and
so won't work.

On Mar 10, 6:40 am, bawestcott <> wrote:
> I found that :
> this.$windowTitleBar[0]
> works
> On Mar 9, 8:10 pm, RobG <> wrote:
> > On Mar 10, 9:14 am, bawestcott <> wrote:
> > > I am using the jquery windows plugin and i would like to be able to
> > > get the title of each window that is created. An example of the html
> > > that the plugin creates for the windows title bar is:
> > > <div class="window-titleBar" style="z-index: 103;">
> > > Click Example5
> > > <div class="window-minimizeButton">-</div>
> > > <div class="window-maximizeButton">O</div>
> > > <div class="window-closeButton">X</div>
> > > </div>
> > > In this case I would like to get the value "Click Example 5" from this
> > > particular window. I can get the values of all of the divs in
> > > windowTitleBar ("Click Example5-0X"), but I can't figure out how to
> > > get the firat value only.
> > > Can someone plase help?
> > Where div is a reference to the div you want:
> >;
> > --
> > Rob

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