On Mar 18, 3:56 pm, David Meiser <dmei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I was developing our company's website, I had a coworker who kept
> complaining about how "terrible" it looked.  He complained that half the
> images were missing, half the text was unstyled, blah blah blah.  I asked
> him what browser he was using: Firefox 3.0.1.  I was using 3.0.1 as my
> primary browser.  He said he had another coworker that had the same
> problems.
> It took me two weeks of off and on troubleshooting to finally locate the
> problem.  I had placed all the images and CSS in a folder labeled with the
> company acronym: ADS.  The real problem? He had Adblocker Plus installed,
> which was blocking the images and CSS...>

This is so true. I have had a few cases with our company site where
some customer would complain things arent displying right or that they
cant login. 99% of the time its due to something the user either had
installed on their computer (antivirus, spyware adware blocker, virus
etc) that caused the problem. I see people with multiple antivirus
programs installed, mulitple ad blockers etc. I had one guy call
frantically demanding that our site was not compatible with firefox
3.05. I looked into everything until I finally asked him if he was
running any plugins. The guy had an insane number of plugins installed
but the clincher: he had the noscript plugin. I assumed someone using
noscript and that adamant about things running in Firefox understood
how noscript worked. Obviously he did not.

And by the way regarding the jquery site displaying correctly. I am
currently using and testing IE8 RC1. The site has always displayed
fine in IE7, and it displays and works fine in IE8 RC1 but only in
compatability mode (like IE7). It does have issues in IE8 standards
mode. Never a problem in Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari 4 beta.

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