Not the prettiest code i've ever written, but:

1) It works :-)
2) Didn't touch one single character in tablesorter.js

(Make sure you are viewing it in Firefox with FireBug going, or
comment out the "console.log"-s and set Tablesorter's option of
"debug" to "false")

On Mar 24, 12:30 am, Flight553 <> wrote:
> > you were on the right track with the ".addParser" method but there's
> > no need to edit it inside the core code
> Ok, I'll bite. How? addParser() just lets you determine one value that
> goes to sortnumeric(a, b) or sorttext(a, b). Those methods are
> designed to put a value on top when sorting one direction, and on
> bottom when sorting the other direction. How can you get a value to
> always be sorted to the bottom using addParser?
> I know the patching I offered sucked, but don;t know how else to do it
> with the tablesorter.js code as exists.
> Suggestions?

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