Well, the string manipulation is pretty minimal. Just use this.pathname -- or some combination of this.pathname, this.hash, and this.search if necessary.

The one problem with this.pathname is that IE and Opera omit the initial slash while FF and Safari include it. But that's not hard to normalize with a simple regular expression. For example:

var noslash = this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'');

Or you could do this:

var noslash = this.pathname.indexOf('/') === 0 ? this.pathname.slice(1) : this.pathname


Karl Swedberg

On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Shane Riley wrote:

Alright, so your example shows the actual strings for all three values
in Safari, and in IE7(Vista) it shows the absolute path for #3. After
looking back at my code, I'm actually loading in the links via Ajax
when the page is loaded, so they're not in the original document. So
I'm guessing that means having to do string manipulation since there's
no way to grab the actual href string in IE in this case.

Thanks for putting up an example.

On Mar 25, 3:11 pm, Karl Swedberg <k...@englishrules.com> wrote:
Hi Shane,

Yes, I believe you're reading me right. Strange, though. I'm not able
to reproduce the problem you're having. Take a look here:


In IE 7 for #1 and #2 $(this).attr('href') is reporting the actual
text string of the href attribute while this.href is reporting the
fully qualified URL. For #3, in which I injected the link with
javascript, they're both reporting the fully qualified URL.

Which version of IE are you testing in?


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Mar 25, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Shane Riley wrote:

Karl, I'm pretty sure I'm reading you right, but are you saying that
by all accounts JQuery should account for this and return the string-
literal value of href and not IE's absolute path? If so, it's not
working properly. I wish I could show you the live code, because it's probably easier to visualize, but here's the process involved in these
specific anchors appearing before manipulation:
1. User visits page
2. User makes selection from a drop-down
3. Ajax call initialized sending the href attribute as the variables
using a POST request

So in this case, the anchors in the drop-down list are present on page load and part of the initial DOM structure. That means that if JQuery
is supposed to sort this out for me, it's not. If you meant that I'd
absolutely have to use Javascript's getAttribute(), then I'll try that
and see if it works.

On Mar 25, 1:17 pm, Karl Swedberg <k...@englishrules.com> wrote:
Hi Shane,

IE has a second "flag" argument for getAttribute that, when set to 2,
is supposed to get the literal value of the attribute rather than
their special-sauce value.

So, this.getAttribute('href', 2) *should* get the relative href.
(note: no need to do $(this)[0] ; this works just fine)

jQuery uses that flag internally, so .attr('href') should do the same

                       var attr = !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized &&
notxml && special
                                       // Some attributes require a
special call on IE
? elem.getAttribute( name, 2 )
                                       : elem.getAttribute( name );

I believe that this works in every case except when the href is set
via JavaScript. In that case, I'm not sure anything can be done.


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Mar 25, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Shane Riley wrote:

Ha! I looked at your post too fast, and didn't notice that it was
Javascript. Sorry. I'll try it and see.

The way I currently have it will not work with javascript turned off
either. I'm doing it this way only because the client is requiring
user to have Javascript enabled to use the site (it's a backend
for very specific clients). They want to add all sorts of animations
and effects like everyone wants to do once they see JQuery
in action.

On Mar 25, 12:14 pm, Martijn Houtman <martijn.hout...@gmail.com>
On Mar 25, 2009, at 5:04 PM, Shane Riley wrote:

Thanks for the article link, but your proposed change isn't valid
JQuery, is it? My exact jQuery code to read in the value looks
pageID = $(this).attr("href");
Adding what you suggested to make it $(this)[0].attr("href") will
do anything apart from force the link to be followed.

Well, no. I suggested using:

pageID = $(this)[0].attr;

This is plain JavaScript, rather than using jQuery's attr()
As the article suggests, this works cross-browser.

I think I'm going to have to move the contents of href to rel

Well, you could, but I wouldn't; this is not what the rel attribute is meant for. Besides, it would break the anchor when JavaScript is
turned off.


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